Saturday, 17 May 2014

Ohinemutu Cultural Group - Tihore Mai Terangi.

Paikea lyrics


Translation for Ka pioioi

Waiata-a-ringa (Action song)
Kapioioi e

Kaea:                 Ka Pioioi e tohu aroha

                 Hau kainga
                 E hoki mai ra!!

All:            E hoki mai ra, kia kite atu I to iwi e

Kaea:                 E rotoroto ana

All:            E rotarota ana, e katakata ana mai ra

Kaea:                 Pukana whetero

All:            Pukana whetero mai, te ihi o matua

Kaea:                 Kia kite atu ano

All:            Kia kite atu ano, I to ataahua e kanapa ra

Kaea:                 Pupuhi ai e te hau

All:            Pupuhi ai e te hau, kapohia aku roimata

Kaea:                 Ka pioioi

All:            Ka pioioi e tohu aroha
                 Hau kainga

Kaea:                 Ka pioioi

All:            Kapioioi e tohu aroha
                 Hau kainga

Leader:      (This) hip-swinging shows the love (of your)
home-town people.
You’ve come back

All:            (You've) come back home
to see your people.

Leader:      They are waving

All:            They are waving their hands
and laughing (with delight) at your return.

Leader:      That pukana

All:            (Those) rolling eyes (and) protruding tongues (show)
the feelings of the (welcoming) contingent.

Leader:      When I also see again

All:            When I also see your beauty
gleaming there

Leader:      Caressed by the wind

All:            caressed by the wind
my tears are snatched away.

Leader:      This hip swaying

All:            (This) hip swaying shows the love (of your)

home-town people.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Year 5 - 8 Kapahaka

E te iwi e
Aue te aroha
Ka pioioi
Hine Ngakau
Poi e

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Tutira mai nga iwi

E Nga Iwi E

  • (This link will take you to where you can listen to it)

  • Māku rā pea 
    Māku rā pea                                   I will perhaps                           
    Māku rā pea                                   I will perhaps
    Māku koe e awhi e                        I will help you 
    Ki te ara, ara Tupu                       Upon the pathway, of progress
    Māku koe e awhi e x 2                  I will indeed help you

Translation Purrea nei

Purea nei e te hau
Horoia e te ua
Whitiwhitia e te ra
Mahea ake nga poraruraru
Makere ana nga here.

Scattered by the wind
washed by the rain
and transformed by the sun,
all doubts are swept away
and all restrains are cast down.
E rere wairua, e rere
Ki nga ao o te rangi
Whitiwhitia e te ra
Mahea ake nga poraruraru
Makere ana nga here,
Makere ana nga here.     Fly O free spirit, fly
to the clouds in the heavens,
transformed by the sun,
with all doubts swept away
and all restrains cast down.
Yes, all restrains are cast down.

G Pu-re-a nei e te hau
Ho-roi-a e te u-a-a-G7-a
C Whiti-whiti-a e te G ra
C Ma-he' a-ke nga po-G-raru-raru
C Ma-ke-re a-D7-na nga he-G-re.

Scattered by the wind
washed by the rain
and transformed by the sun,
all doubts are swept away
all restrains are cast down.
E re-re wai-ru-a e rere
Ki nga ao o te ra-ngi-i-G7-i
C Whi-ti-whi-ti-a e te G ra
C Ma-he' a-ke nga po-G-raru-raru
C Ma-ke-re a-D7-na nga he-G-re
C Ma-ke-re a-D7-na nga he-G-re.               Fly O free spirit, fly
to the clouds in the heavens,
transformed by the sun,
with all doubts swept away
and all restrains cast down.

Yes, all restrains are cast down.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

He aha te nama?

Hi everyone

So, here are the steps to the game we played at out meeting.

1 - start by looking at the numbers - say and show with fingers or cubes
2- say and show by getting into groups of kids
3 - Say the question slowly, write it up on board - write it phonetically
4 - Give kids pack of cards - one is the caller and dealer - He aha te nama? Other two kids have to say the number first. Caller can say Ae, he tika tena (yip that's right) or Kao, ano (no, try again)
5 - Next level - have two dice roll em add together call the answer - in Maori of course.  You don't have to do the adding in Maori just the answer
6 - Use the parts of the body poster - get the  kids outside spread out.  Call E wha waewae kids have to get into groups and in that group there must be - wha waewae (4 legs)


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Translation for Toia Mai

Hi everyone,
This is one of my favourite songs
I love the actions too

Toia Mai

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Interactive Te Reo lessons for all ages

I hope you find
this link useful, Mariana and I certainly have.,186,0,43,html

I have an idea for the greetings lesson, put children into groups give them an Ipad or camera, get them to take photos demonstrating the greetings or make little movies. Put up on interactive whiteboard or TV for every one to see.

Simons say Tena koe - have an action for this
Simon says Tena korua - get into twos
and so on.

Translation days of the week

Translation for Utaina

Utaina mai ngā waka
Ngā waka o te motu
Tōia mai rā ki uta
Ki te takoranga.
A hiki 'nuku, hiki e
Hiki rangi, runga e
Tēnā, tēnā rā
koutou katoa. 
Put everyone aboard the canoes,
the canoes of the island.
Thrust the canoes shorewards
to the place where they will lie.
Swing your paddles down, swing them
Swing your paddles skywards, swing them
Greetings, greetings
to you all.
Men's haka
U ta-i!
U ta-i!
Utaina mai ngā iwi
0 te motu
Ki runga Tauranga e tau.
A hiki 'nuku e!
A hiki rangi e!
A hiki rangi e!
A hiki 'nuku e!
A! ha! ha!

Ka hikitia i tā nga iwi
Ka hapainga tāna waka
Aue! Aue! Aue! Ha!
Aue! Aue! Aue! Ha! Hei!
Man the canoes
Seize the paddles!

Put aboard all the tribes
of the island
onto ..(place name).. here.

Thrust your paddles down deep
Flip them now to the heavens
Lift them skywards
Now thrust them down deep.
A ha ha!

It is urged on by everyone
Their canoe is raised on high
Aue, aue, aue, ha!
Aue, aue, aue! Ha! Hei!

Tena koe class task

Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Rangi tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Ani, Eti, Tane
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Ani tōku ingoa.
Ko wai t ingoa?

Rangi, Eti, Tane
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Eti tōku ingoa.
Ko wai t ingoa?

Rangi, Ani, Tane
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Tane tōku ingoa.
Ko wai t ingoa?

Rangi, Ani, Eti
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Wiremu tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Hera, Piri, Tawhiri
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Hera tōku ingoa.
Ko wai t  ingoa?

Wiremu, Piri, Tawhiri
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Piri tōku ingoa.
Ko wai t ingoa?

Wiremu, Hera, Tawhiri
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Tawhiri tōku ingoa.
Ko wai t ingoa?

Wiremu, Hera, Piri
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Keriana tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Manawa, Paarua, Tuini
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Manawa tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Paarua, Tuini, Keriana
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Paarua tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Manawa, Keriana, Tuini
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Tuini tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Keriana, Manawa, Paarua
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Aroha tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō  ingoa?

Ngaire, Kahukura, Kihi
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Ngaire tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō  ingoa?

Aroha, Kahukura, Kihi
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Kahukura tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō  ingoa?

Aroha, Ngaire, Kihi
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Kihi tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Aroha, Ngaire, Kahukura
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Hemi tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Moana, Paerakau, Hinewehi
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Moana tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Hemi, Paerakau, Hinewehi
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Paerakau tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Hemi, Moana, Hinewehi
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Hinewehi tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Hemi, Moana, Paerakau
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Mereana tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Pania, Raahiri, Maewa
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Pania tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Mereana, Raahiri, Maewa
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Raahiri tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Mereana, Pania, Maewa
Tēnā koe/ kia ora
Ko Maewa tōku ingoa.
Ko wai tō ingoa?

Merana, Pania, Raahiri
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Henare toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Ahirangi. Meri, Paraire
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Ahirangi toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Henare, Meri, Paraire
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Meri toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Henare, Ahirangi, Paraire
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Paraire toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Henare, Ahirangi, Meri
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Paora toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Akeke, Hirini, Mereru
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Akeke toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Paora, Hirini, Mereru
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Hirini toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Paora, Akeke, Mereru
Tena koe/ kia ora
Ko Mereru toku ingoa.
Ko wai tou ingoa?

Paora, Akeke, Hirini